
SAT, PSAT, and ACT Class Schedule


  • Premium SAT Class:   Tues/Thurs, 4 pm to 6:00 pm, March 25 - May 1,.  To prep for May or June SAT.
  • Premium SAT Class:   Sundays, 1 pm - 3:30 pm, April 6 - June 1, To prep for SAT in June
  • Premium ACT Class:  Tues/Thurs,  4 pm to 6 pm, May 6 - June 12th,  Prep for June 14th ACT


  • Intensive SAT Class:   Mon/Wed/Fri,  9 am - 12 pm, June 30 - July 30,.  No class 7/4.  To prep for Aug SAT or Oct PSAT/SAT. 
  • Premium SAT Class:   Mon/Thurs, 4 pm to 6:30 pm, June 30th - July 31st ,.  To prep for Aug SAT or Oct PSAT/SAT.
  • Premium SAT Class:   Tues/Thurs, 9 am to 11:30 am, July 1st - July 31st ,.  To prep for Aug SAT or Oct PSAT/SAT.

Summer Reading Lists for High School Students

For as long as I can remember, the highest scorers on verbal sections of the SAT and ACT have been the kids who frequently read books on their own.   Regular reading increases your vocabulary, knowledge, critical thinking, and ability to see things from different points of view.   Even occasional reading helps and at least is a positive start, especially in the current day where kids can be very busy with scheduled activities or distracted by a multitude of things online.

It’s very common for parents to tell me that they can’t get their kids to read on their own, but I find it helps to look more closely at their interests and try to find books that appeal more to them personally.  For example, if a kid plays sports, they can usually find biographies of athletes who excel at their particular sport.  Or if they play an instrument and love music, they can look for biographies or books that tie into that interest.  Or maybe they just need to find the type of book that grabs their attention such as mystery/thriller, westerns, or science fiction.  It may be a challenge and take some effort, but if they can just find that first book that they really enjoy, then it’ll be easier to keep up the reading habit.

Here is a link to some Summer reading lists provided by a charter school(arranged by grade):  Summer Reading Lists.  It has lists for every grade in junior high and high school.   Please check this out and feel free to reach out to share feedback or let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Here are some from the list that I also recommend:

Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain

The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque

A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

The Time Machine, H.G. Wells

Twelve Mighty Orphans, Jim Dent

5 Reasons Test Prep Can Help Your Child Succeed

College admissions tests are difficult, but they don’t have to be.  Here are 5 Reasons that our SAT and ACT Classes are beneficial and how they can help your child succeed:

  1. Prep Builds Confidence.  By practicing on the SAT and ACT, students learn what to expect.  They learn the rules and get a feel for the content and difficulty level.
  2. Prep Lets Students Practice Pacing.  Students get to practice on each section and figure out what pace works best for them.
  3. It’s a Chance to Review.  By the time students are juniors, it may have been over several years since they learned algebra I and Geometry and at least a years since Algebra II, at least for some.  By spending some time preparing, students get a chance to review and practice on math or grammar concepts that they may be rusty on.
  4.  Kids learn Strategies.  Some strategies are subject specific and focus on math or Grammar.  Whereas some strategies apply throughout, such as elimination.  Anything kids can do to eliminate wrong answers will improve their odds.
  5. Practice and preparation helps kids do their best.  Kids start with a baseline and then learn strategies and techniques in our course that help them improve their scores.  They find out that a lot of the questions they miss are caused by simple errors they can correct.

To find out where to start, check out our Summer Prep schedule by clicking on this link:  Summer Schedule